Prepare Your Home For a Quick Sale
Prepare Your Home For a Quick Sale
The spring home selling market is upon us and the market is heating up! If you are looking to sell your home quickly, it is important to have all the little odd
quirky items on your to do list taken care of before you list your home. Andy onCall® can get those taken care off quickly and efficiently in order to get your home on the market and position it in the best light possible.
Perhaps your home already has a contract on it but the new buyers have a list of items they would like taken care of in order for the sale to proceed. Andy onCall can assist you with that scenario as well.
Due to the concerns resulting from Covid-19 Andy onCall is specializing in working in houses that have already been vacated. This keeps their skilled craftsmen safe and keeps the homeowners safe. We are working in homes that are ready to go on the market, are under contract or ready to be moved into.
For homes that are ready to go on the market or are currently under contract we are able to either refresh dated bathrooms by replacing vanities and retiling floors and showers. We can repaint and room in the house, or as the weather improves we can paint outside the house. We can repair or place decks. We can repair or pace kitchen or entryway tiling. Add shelving, bookcases, closet organizers or any other custom woodwork. We can replace damaged doors, patch damaged walls or repair broken cabinetry. In short, anything you need done to make your home look its best in order to put it on the market and sell quickly we can do.
If you have a contract but the inspection turned up some repair items that the new buyer would like taken care of before they take possession of the house, we can take care of those item too. Just give Andy onCall a call and let us know what you need and we came over and provide you with a quote. Before you know everything on your “to do” list will be done and your house will either be on the market or will be sold!